typedefstruct{//当前slab_class的最大item大小unsignedintsize;/* sizes of items *///当前slab_class每一个slab的item数unsignedintperslab;/* how many items per slab *///被释放过的item的listvoid**slots;/* list of item ptrs *///free list大小unsignedintsl_total;/* size of previous array *///free list下标 unsignedintsl_curr;/* first free slot *///最近申请的page(slab)的指针void*end_page_ptr;/* pointer to next free item at end of page, or 0 *///最近申请的page(slab)所剩的item个数unsignedintend_page_free;/* number of items remaining at end of last alloced page *///当前slab_class申请了多少slab(page)unsignedintslabs;/* how many slabs were allocated for this class *///申请的slab的指针数组void**slab_list;/* array of slab pointers */unsignedintlist_size;/* size of prev array *///没用到?unsignedintkilling;/* index+1 of dying slab, or zero if none */size_trequested;/* The number of requested bytes */}slabclass_t;